Funny Farewell Messages and Goodbye Quotes

Funny Farewell Messages: Parting ways is always an emotional moment regardless of whom you are saying goodbye to. Normally when it comes to saying farewell to your colleague or boss- you have to keep it formal and professional as it involves your work. Saying goodbye is never easy, and you may feel at a loss for words. Here are some funny farewell messages which you can pass to your boss, colleagues or someone close to you when they are leaving the office behind them. Bid them goodbye with a smile on your face. Send them your warm gratitude with such wishes on their last day at the office. Appreciate him/her while showing your huge respect, say thanks for all their efforts and guidance.

Funny Farewell Messages

You may have a very good job there. You may also enjoy a high salary. But you’ll never find such amazing co-workers like us! Please reconsider!

We will miss seeing you in the office. (Not really). Have a great life.

I wish you trouble in your new office. Also, be sure to impress them as well. Good luck, man.

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I know that you are going to get an awesome salary in your new job but there is no guarantee that you will get awesome colleagues like us too. Do you still want to go?

It will not be the same without you. It will actually be better! Farewell!

Goodbye, don’t cry! We won’t! Just kidding—you will be sorely missed.

The fact that we have to train another person to be one of us are stressing me out. Don’t leave, please.

Having awesome colleagues is a bad habit, because it’ll be impossible to work with someone else now that you’re leaving. Goodbye.

You are a great buddy, you really know how to spoil people! We are all going to miss you a lot! Wishing you great success in your future. Keep in touch.

Now that you are leaving, miscellaneous expenses of the company will decrease, productivity will increase, deadlines will be met and efficiency will spike. On a serious note, the exact opposite will happen. Farewell.

All these years you were my boss first, friend second. Now that you have resigned, I look forward to being just your friend. Farewell.

Instead of saying farewell to you, I wish I could say fare-bad so that you come back and continue working with us. But I won’t… because I always wish the best for you. Farewell.

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If I had to play a final prank on you before bidding you farewell, I would tie your legs to your cubicle when you aren’t looking so that you can never leave us. Goodbye.

Saying goodbye to you is such a crazy thing! Promise me this is not the end of everything. I know you will always come to meet me to get some advice and remember it’s not for free! I will miss you buddy!

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We all wish your resignation gets rejected and your dog eats up your new appointment letter. Farewell to a boss who we don’t want to let go.

On one hand, I feel happy that I no longer have to listen to your angry rants, but on the other the thought of having a new boss makes me wet my pants. Farewell.

I wish my employment contract had a clause which bounded my job with yours so I could follow you wherever you go. Goodbye.

I still don’t understand why you decided to leave the company. Do you think you can have tons of fun in your new office without us? Okay, let’s see who is going to miss what.

It’s time to say goodbye, but I think goodbyes are sad and I’d much rather say hello. Hello to a new adventure.

How much more money are they giving you? Write that number down. Double it. Throw the paper away. I don’t have that kind of money, but I can bribe you with brownies, my delightful smile, jokes, and my friendship. Reconsider staying!

Today our team is going to lose its sense of humor and its heartbeat. Farewell to the guy who made every day seem like Sunday with his jokes and enthusiasm.

Thank you for leaving us and going away! You are really a naughty cookie… I simply wish that your boss would love you as we love and accept your real attitude. Honestly, I’m gonna miss working with you. Thank you for all the inspiration! God bless!

Today officially marks the end of the time when you can shout and scream at us at the pretext of being our boss. Farewell.

So, now I have to do both our jobs until they find your replacement? Damn son! 

It may seem a hard goodbye, but man, you are really leaving me with the crazies. I bid you adieu.

Funny Farewell Messages for Colleague

I will forever be mad at you for leaving me here with all this craziness. I will miss you so much, do not forget me, dear ex-colleague.

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Now that you are going, I wonder who will be our shield and protect us from the boss’s rage and rants. Best of luck with your life. See you later, alligator.

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You can wish for but never find another cool set of colleagues like us. I hope you see better days in your new workplace, will miss you so much.

Dear colleague, you have been a savior and a great company. But tell us how much more money are you getting in your new office?

I have been waiting to sit on your chair for a while, thanks for finally giving me the opportunity. I hope they give you a more comfortable chair at your new office.

Funny Farewell Messages for Boss

Dear Boss, we will really avoid bumping into you. Jokes apart, I will forever cherish all the memories and all the peaks we conquered as a team. Have a great life ahead of you.

Today is actually the last day of holding you the authority to be angry with our performance, we will definitely miss you screaming at us.

I am sorry that we caused you trouble and made the HR team look so bad, but honestly- we enjoyed doing that. No regrades, we had the best time indeed.

Remember us for our brilliant works and forget about all the mess-ups. And we will remember you for your smiles, not for your screams.

Boss, we will miss doing all your works for you every day. It actually won’t be easy without you around, but it will be better, we hope! Conveying the best regards.

Funny Goodbye Quotes

I hope that your next boss will hate you so much so that he’ll kick you back here. Just kidding! Be good there and all the best for your new workplace.

We really believe leaving this company is the first big step into a great future for you. We wish you lots of success.

We were planning to throw you an amazing party next month and shower you heaps of gifts… but now that you’re leaving that’s not going to happen. So let us know if you change your mind. Farewell.

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Great to hear that you’re going away. I can’t wait to hear that you have been crowned as the “gossip queen” at the workplace. Goodbye!

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Without a fun-loving co-worker like you, our after-work drinks will turn sober, quiet, and slightly more sophisticated. Goodbye buddy, we will miss you.

Now that you have stepped down as Captain of the ship, who will sail us through choppy waters? Goodbye, boss.

We wish you lots of money and a loving boss in the coming future. So go now and never come back! Best of luck.

Thank you.. It touches me. Yeah, true friendship will never die. I really appreciate this. Awesome and really cool. I like it a lot. But it’s pretty sad to realize that I’m not gonna see my best friend for a long time.

I’m a little bit sad hearing that you will no longer our boss but on the other hand, I’m happy to know that for sure you will be a good set of example in your new office as what you have shown to us. More power and God bless you!

Your pics are hot, your work is not – and don’t let anyone fool you otherwise! Just kidding… keep the bandana on – it prevents people from knowing how much hair is missing!

Dear boss… in your new job, as you come across more annoying employees than us – you will realize how dealing with us has never been a fuss. Farewell dear boss.

I know that you are going to get an awesome salary in your new job but there is no guarantee that you will get awesome colleagues like us too. Do you still want to go? Farewell.

Saying goodbye to someone with whom you shared your 9 to 5 office hours worked on late night projects together is an emotional experience, and it can be hard for you to part ways. Whether your colleague is getting transferred or joining a new office, your boss is going on retirement- never forget to share their glorious journey. You may feel low bidding goodbye to an awesome boss or colleague. But bid them goodbye with a happy face instead of being sad. Tell them how important and competent the person he/she was for the office. Do not let the thought of saying goodbye; bring up sadness. Remember that goodbyes don’t always have to be sad. Make sure to say goodbye by expressing your respect and gratitude towards them. Be considerate and send them off with a smile.