67 Pet Sympathy Messages – Condolence Messages

Pet Condolence Messages: Pets are part of our everyday lives and part of our families. They provide us companion and also with emotional support. Pets help to reduce our stress levels. At the time of our loneliness, they become strong support, they become our good friend as a family member. Pets are really very special to their owners. Losing a pet is like losing a good friend. At that time the owner of the pet feels helpless and very much disappointed. When it occurs, you should make support to your such friend, family member and beloved by sending him/her sympathy messages for loss of pet or pet condolence message. By which you can share the sorrows of your beloved one. Here we suggest some Sympathy Messages for Loss of Pet along with condolence messages for loss of a cat, dog, and some other pet as well.

Pet Sympathy Messages

Losing your pet must have felt like losing a member of your family. I’m so sorry you have to go through this. Please stay strong and take care!

We are so sorry to learn about your pet’s death. She/He was so loved by everyone who ever came across her. And she will be badly missed by all of us!

Life without [Pet name] would never be the same again, but he is watching over you from above. We miss him and he will always be fresh in our happy memories.

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You had the most amazing friend by your side for such a long time, the feeling of losing a precious pet like him/her must be devastating. Please accept my heartfelt condolences.

You are passing through a worse time. I know my sister/brother, how painful is it to lose a pet. I have nothing to say rather condole with you.

Sometimes Human beings are failed to get the emotion of others. But the pets always get this. Your lovely pet is no more! My condolences. My heart is with you.

A pet dog is not only an animal, but it is also one of the members of the family. And so, you lost one of your members. I am wishing that comfort and peace may come to you.

I will never forget. How cute was your kitten! I just love it. The death of your kitten makes me so sad. My sincere condolences.

Some people think that the loss of a pet is not a matter of grief. But my dear, I can realize the feeling when a favorite pet dies. I am so sorry for your loss.

My Dear, I am deeply shocked at the news of the death of your [Pet Name]. It was really a very good friend of yours. My condolences.

I cannot express how deeply grieved I am to hear the death news of your loving pet. Please don’t be so much upset, I am always available for you.

Your Pigeons sat on the roof of the garage. How cute were the scenes! The birds flew away forever. I am sorry to hear of your loss.

“The birds were singing a sweet song” This scene is just before my eyes when I close my eyes. They will be missed. I would like to say I’m sorry for your loss.

Really rabbits are so cute! I couldn’t understand if you don’t invite me to your house. But at the moment, the loss of your lovely rabbit makes me so sad.

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I am feeling so sorry about your such loss. Pets are the really good friend and loss of them is really sorrowful. Wishing you bliss and peace during this difficult time.

I must not forget that your parrots are special one. You trained them on how to talk and when she called your name it was really incredible! I am shocked at your loss.

Dear sister, I am feeling very sad about your lost rabbit. I know (name of the rabbit) was one of your best friends. My sincere condolences.

The school of fish swims in the jar was really a great scene. The multi colors fishes were really amazing. I am sorry your slimy friend died.

Sympathy Messages for Death of a Dog

My dear friend, I know your puppy was the best friend of yours and always give the company with you. I have no word to console you.

Losing a pet Dog is not an easy matter. You are going through the worst time of your life. I know how much you loved it. I am sorry you lost your dog.

Days have passed since [Dog Name] left us, but I can still picture his goofy smiles, his loud barks, and his playful eyes! He will always be in our hearts.

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Your dog was your first friend, and someone who stayed by you in your thick and thin. I hope you only remember the good memories of him.

Your Dog was amazing. I think it was a gift to you from God. Now it is no more exists. I feel sad for your loss. My sincere condolences.

Dog is a good friend of human beings. And when the dog is a pet, it is the best friend of the person undoubtedly. I am so sorry for your loss.

Pets aren’t like an ordinary animals. They are really a very beloved one for its owner. My condolences on the loss of your dog.

Dog is the most faithful animal. They can even sacrifice their life for the owner, it’s proved by your {dog name}, who died by road accident to save your little child. I know it will be missed.

Dear mom, I know you are so shocked by the death of {dog name}. He was the best companion of yours. We will miss it. My condolences.

My dear sister, I observed how much your pappies loved you. They act as your bodyguard all the time. Losing one of them made you so much nostalgic.

Your beloved puppy is no more! The news has come to me just like a bolt from the blue. Really a sudden death is so much shocking that can’t tolerate.

Sympathy Messages for Death of a Cat

I have never seen before a sweet, cute and loving cat like yours. But, the news of its death makes me nostalgic. I am feeling so sorry for your loss of beloved pet.

It’s not necessary that only human beings can love one another. The best proof of this is you and your {cat name}. I am sorry for your loss.

Nothing can be more painful than the loss of a life that was harbored by you in this same house. I am very sorry about your cat’s death. Stay strong!

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I know you are missing the comfort your cat had provided for you for such a long time, but her sweet memories will keep you warm from now on. Take care!

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My dear, I came to know what had happened. Loss of your beloved kitten is irreparable. I have no word to console you. I will be always beside you, please keep quiet.

That day you found the little kitten on the road and took it home. How loving it was! Today your pet is no more! I am so sorry for your loss.

You always tied a nice ribbon around your cat’s neck. You named it as {cat name}! Really, I am feeling so sad for {cat name} now. I know it will be missed.

Your tiny kitten was like an angel. How sweet was it’s approach!!! I liked it so much and now I badly miss it, as you feel sorrow for your dear pet.

I have remembered my dear, last birthday your Dad gifted this amazing cat to you. But now we have lost him(the cat). I am feeling regret for your loss.

How lovely and cute was your cat!!! It’s really charming beauty. I know you are missing it a lot. Wishing you comfort and peace during this difficult time.

My dear daughter, Dad is really very sad for your beloved {cat name}. Dad is promising you that a couple of kittens will have brought.

Condolence Messages for Loss of a Bird

Hey, I am genuinely sorry for your birdie’s death. As an animal lover, I can guess how hard it is to lose such a wonderful pet. Hope you feel better soon!

We are so sorry to learn about your great loss. We are all missing that baby birdie so much today! Please don’t be sad anymore and take care.

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A saying goes like this, “Our perfect companions never have fewer than four feet”. But yours had two and she was perfect in every sense! We miss her!

I am so sorry that your bird is no more. That little creature had filled up your life with her happy chirpings! She will be greatly missed!

I am truly saddened to learn about the unfortunate death of your bird. My deepest sympathy is with you. Hope you feel better soon!

Condolence Messages for Loss of a Rabbit

Dear, your bunny must be missing you as much as you are missing him! I hope you get to meet him in another world. I am so sorry for your loss!

[Pet name] might have been your pet rabbit, but we all loved him like our own child. He will always remain a member of our family. We miss him!

My heart feels heavy when I think that I wouldn’t be greeted by your bunny anymore. I am so sorry for your great loss. Please accept my deep condolences.

My heart goes out to you in this difficult time of your life. Losing someone so close to your heart must be very hard. Stay strong!

As another fellow rabbit owner, I understand the pain you are going through. We will never forget your sweet and wonderful little one! We are here for you!

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Sympathy Messages for Loss of a Reptile

I feel genuinely sorry for your pet’s death. Let us help you go through this challenging time. I am sending all my good wishes and positive energy towards you!

Nothing can fill up the gaping hole of your heart now, but know that your turtle will always be remembered. He will be in our memories forever!

You were an amazing friend and mother to your little lizard. It’s truly unfortunate that he left us so early. We are sorry for your loss.

Your pet snake was so young but so grateful! I cannot imagine how you must be feeling after losing him for good. My sympathy and prayers are with you!

Dear, sometimes life takes away the things you love most; for you, it was your little turtle. I am very sorry. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

Pet Loss Quotes

“A pet is never truly forgotten until it is no longer remembered.” – Lacie Petitto

“What we have once enjoyed we can never lose; All that we love deeply becomes a part of us.” – Helen Keller

“Sometimes losing a pet is more painful than losing a human because, in the case of the pet, you were not pretending to love it.” – Amy Sedaris

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“Only a moment you stayed, but what an imprint your footprints have left on our hearts.” – Dorothy Ferguson

“If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went.” – Will Rogers

“Like a bird singing in the rain, let grateful memories survive in the time of sorrow.” – Robert Louis Stevenson

“Your pet is not your friend. It is your hostage.” – Scott Dikkers

“Those we love and lose are always connected by heartstrings into infinity.” – Terri Guillemets

“The bond with a dog is as lasting as the ties of this earth can ever be.” – Konrad Lorenz

“If there is a heaven, it’s certain our animals are to be there. Their lives become so interwoven with our own, it would take more than an archangel to detangle them.” – Pam Brown

“No heaven will not ever Heaven be. Unless my cats are there to welcome me.” – Unknown

“Pets have more love and compassion in them than most humans.” – Robert Wagner

Pets can be considered as the purest and most genuine companions of a person’s life. Even though there is a clear absence of verbal communication between the little animal and its owner, that doesn’t affect the strong bond they have. Be it cats, dogs, birds, frogs, bunnies, turtles or snakes – these friends are able to catch up on their owner’s emotions and are often seen to provide comfort and relief in many crucial times. Naturally, nothing can be more painful for a pet owner than losing his precious pet. The profound grief or trauma the pet owner experiences during this time is incomprehensible. So, it is very important for the people around him/her to reach out and express their support and condolences in a gentle manner.